BBQs & Pizza Parties
So how do we show all our appreciation? The third Thursday of every month, American employees host a BBQ (in the summer months) or Pizza Party for “our guys.”
Volunteers from every department get on the grills (in the summer), set out the coleslaw, cookies, Gatorades and chips; or Pizza (in the autumn and winter when it’s too cold outside for the grill), and serve them food all day long.
Whether they are between routes, or coming back to the office when they are done, they are free to come and go as many times as they like. It’s our small gift to show them that they are appreciated. Without our American “Garbage Men” there would be NO American, it’s as simple as that.
So the next time you see the American truck picking up your trash or recycling be sure to say Hi to the incredibly dedicated and hardworking men in the truck, and thank them for all that they do!
#FBF to last year’s Waste & Recycling Workers Week! Read about all that they do here: https://bit.ly/2t9sP1D