City of Kinston, NC – Celebrates Waste and Recycling Workers Week

City of Kinston, NC  – Celebrates Waste and Recycling Workers Week This June 17th

On June 17th, we want to show our appreciation for our Garbage Providers! Let’s face it, the world would be a disgusting place without the garbage man! We want to Thank You for what you do for us!

June 17th, Waste and Recycling Workers Week

This June, John D. Arwood invites the nation to celebrate trash collectors, dumpster haulers, sewage workers, street cleaners and just about anyone who does the dirty jobs that we would rather not do ourselves. Arwood is raising awareness for our garbage men and women that make our cities and homes livable. “Garbage men are a sign of a healthy city,” said Arwood. Whether it’s the people who empty your fast food grease traps or deliver your port-a-potties, these are the people who make our lives smell better.

John D. Arwood found his enjoyment for recycling at a young age gathering aluminum cans around the neighborhood on his bicycle. Arwood grew up alongside his father in garbage collection and conservation. It has become a passion in the family. When asked about his family’s American Indian heritage, Arwood feels it plays a significant role in their decision to choose a pathway of conservation and honoring the environment by leaving a clean footprint.

Celebrate Waste & Recycling Workers Week

Show Your Appreciation

On June 17th, Join us in Thanking your garbage collection providers. Here are a few fun ideas on how.

Share on Facebook.

Like us on Facebook for fun photos to repin to your wall. Remind your friends and family of the invisible people in our lives who deserve thanks.

Cookies, anyone?

Consider meeting your provider with “Thank you” treat.  Perhaps a plate of cookies? How about a cold bottle of water.

Help them lift it!

Got a big pile after your spring cleaning efforts?  How about meeting them at the curb and helping them lift it in.  A little kindness goes a long way to show we are aware of their efforts.

Call to say, “Thank you”

It’s easy to complain when things are not done right.  Consider calling your local provider with a word of thanks and appreciation for all the weeks they do their job well!

Join the Recycling Effort

Let’s take some ownership for our garbage contributions.  Consider ways you can reduce, recycle and reuse the things being thrown in the garbage from your own home.

Been there, done that, bought the Tshirt

Feel like going hard core?  How about buying a Tshirt?  Show your garbage man pride whereever you go.

Garbage Solutions for Today

Fortunately today we don’t have to live in our waste.

Over the years garbage men and women have developed creative ways to solve the problems of waste disposal. One of the hot topics in the industry is that of conserving the environment. It is the systematic practices of garbage collection personnel that allow for successful recycling and conservation efforts. Waste sources are gathered and then sorted by material types (plastic, glass, wood, metal, etc.) and then fed into the recycling system.

Garbage workers continue to think of not just ways to remove our unwanted trash, but also invent ways to reuse what was once thrown away. Arwood Waste focuses their energy on preserving our environment and recycling manufacturing by products. In a nation who consumes 1500 water bottles a second, garbage collection companies are always challenged to find new ways to dispose our trash. We need our garbage men and women more than we know.

On June 17th, bake your friendly neighborhood garbage man some cookies, leave him or her a tip, or go ahead and give your landfill attendant a high five.

Hats off to our Garbage Men!

On June 17th, we want to show our appreciation for our Garbage Providers! Let’s face it, the world would be a disgusting place without the garbage man! We want to Thank You for what you do for us!

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