Eugene J. Wingerter
Gene Wingerter began his career in the waste business in 1970 as NSWMA’s first Technical Consultant. In 1973, he became the association’s Executive Director. Under his leadership, NSWMA grew from just a few to 30 state chapters and many institutes and councils. In 1980, he purchased WasteAge and helped turn it into an award-winning magazine. He was instrumental in organizing the industry to shape the legislation that created the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and added an insurance program at NSWMA to help members keep costs down. In 1992, he launched the Environmental Research and Education Foundation to provide non-advocacy driven research on waste issues. Today, he is the owner of his own consulting company, helping waste companies grow. He is also the President of Threat Response Technologies, focusing on intelligence data acquisition related to homeland security, and a partner at W and F Advisors, Inc., serving a waste service company entering the U.S. market and a manufacturer of waste transportation equipment.