Georgetown Texas, Offers Gifts To Sanitition Workers To Honor Waste and Recycling Workers Week


Georgetown Texas Offers Gifts To Sanitition Workers On  Waste and Recycling Workers Week

Date: Monday, 17 of June  2013
Local: Al Clawson Disposal, Inc. in Georgetown, Texas in Georgetown/TX title=
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We are encouraging everyone to celebrate this with us. Ways to celebrate.

Cookies, anyone?
Consider meeting your provider with ?Thank you? treat. Perhaps a plate of cookies? How about a cold bottle of water.

Help them lift it!
… Got a big pile after your spring cleaning efforts? How about meeting them at the curb and helping them lift it in. A little kindness goes a long way to show we are aware of their efforts.

Call to say, ?Thank you?
It?s easy to complain when things are not done right. Consider calling your local provider with a word of thanks and appreciation for all the weeks they do their job well!

Join the Recycling Effort
Let?s take some ownership for our garbage contributions. Consider ways you can reduce, recycle and reuse the things being thrown in the garbage from your own home.

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