In Loving Memory of Chandler Harris of Nashville Metro Public Works


Chandler Harris

Company: Nashville Metro Public Works

Years of Service: 1

Comments: Mayor Karl Dean also made a statement Wednesday about Harris’s death

“Our hearts go out to Chandler Harris’s family and friends, including his father, another dedicated Metro employee,” Dean said. “Chandler died tragically while serving our city. We value the work he did, and we grieve the loss of his life.” The incident remained under investigation Wednesday, Smith said.

“Our department is grieving, Metro government as a whole is grieving. It’s a very sad day for the community,” Metro Public Works spokeswoman Jenna Smith said Wednesday.

“Sanitation workers are among the most dangerous jobs. They’re out in the elements, out near toxic materials at times. I don’t think the public understands how dangerous their job is or how much they do for the job. Our hearts and prayers are with his family on their loss.”

We will not forget you, Chandler Harris.

Together, let’s honor the memory of the men and women who have served by our side. Whether on the garbage trucks, delivering portable sanitation units, or working in the offices and repair shops, the employees of our industry serve important roles and are very special people. As we remember this fallen hero of the waste industry, we join with their family and co-workers to honor their service.