Ramesh Solanki
Company: Vadodara Municipal Corporation
Years of Service: 3+
Comments: Ramesh Solanki, 42, of Harni, India passed away doing the job he enjoyed. For multiple years Solanki worked as a sanitation worker and was tasked with the annual septic tank cleaning in Harni. He was a dedicated professional and a seasoned veteran within the sanitation community. Thanks to the investigation, additional safety measure will be implemented throughout India in an effort to limit the number of work related injuries and deaths. Solanki will be missed by not only his family, but by his coworkers who will remember him fondly.
We will not forget you, Ramesh Solanki.
Together, let’s honor the memory of the men and women who have served by our side. Whether on the garbage trucks, delivering portable sanitation units, or working in the offices and repair shops, the employees of our industry serve important roles and are very special people. As we remember this fallen hero of the waste industry, we join with their family and co-workers to honor their service.