Reverend Mark D. Gates
Company: Racine City Sanitation
Years of Service: 2+
Comments: Mark D. Gates of Racine, Wisconsin passed away while working his morning route by a vehicle collision. While collecting recyclables as part of his job, he became pinned between his garbage truck and another vehicle. Friends and family say Mr. Gates “was a highly respected and dedicated employee as well as a deeply faithful and caring pastor, and he will be missed by all who knew him.” A pastor at Christ Chapel Missionary Baptist Church, Gates was a faithful man and now a shining example of the true dangers garbage men face nationwide.
We will not forget you, Reverend Mark D. Gates.
Together, let’s honor the memory of the men and women who have served by our side. Whether on the garbage trucks, delivering portable sanitation units, or working in the offices and repair shops, the employees of our industry serve important roles and are very special people. As we remember this fallen hero of the waste industry, we join with their family and co-workers to honor their service.