Shorter Days, Darker Mornings
The Winter Solstice falls on December 21 and marks the shortest day of the year. With the sun rising later in the morning and setting earlier in the evening, waste and recycling workers are even more likely to be providing curbside collection services in the dark.
Darker mornings mean lower visibility on the roads. In the early morning, be sure to drive with caution, especially around recycling and garbage trucks.
Snow and Ice and Curbside Collection
In addition to the sun rising later in the morning, winter also means hazardous road conditions. Between the snow, slush, ice and lower visibility, it is easier than ever to get into an accident. Protect yourself and the workers providing curbside collection services by slowing down when passing waste and recycling collection vehicles.
When roads are slick, you should also allow more space than usual between you and other vehicles on the road. This is especially important with vehicles that make frequent stops, such as waste and recycling collection trucks, buses and mail carriers.
Keeping You and the Environment and the Workers Safe
Drive slower, leave more room and, as always, slow down to get around. By exercising a little extra caution, you can keep yourself, your family and our waste and recycling workers safe this winter.
Help us spread the work by sharing this information with friends, family, neighbors and coworkers. The simple reminder to be careful on winter roads could save a life.
Slow Down to Get Around
Slow Down to Get Around (SDTGA) is SWANA’s national safety campaign. The campaign reminds motorists to drive more carefully when near waste and recycling collection vehicles. By slowing down, drivers protect themselves, the waste and recycling collection workers and other motorists.
Being struck by a motor vehicle is a leading cause of death for waste and recycling collection employees. With proper awareness, these deaths are preventable.