Louis E. Wagner
Lou Wagner helped design and develop the first professional hazardous waste treatment and disposal facility in the U.S. in the 1970s. His patented concept of the secure landfill system using a synthetic membrane liner for safe disposal of hazardous waste is now used throughout the world. Looking for alternative uses for hazardous waste, Lou converted waste into supplementary fuels for cement kilns and aggregate drying systems. The effort was later expanded to include use as an alternative raw material in the production of Portland Type 1 Cement. He helped develop the manifest system for tracking hazardous waste, designed and operated the first Toxic Substances Control Act PCB incinerator in the U.S., and has written many publications on the recycling of chemicals. Over the years, he has published many articles on proper waste disposal. Today, he remains active as the CEO of Earthwatch Waste Systems, Inc. Lou is a firm believer in community service raising funds for Catholic Charities, the local police association, and more recently for the Tsunami Relief Fund.