Meet The National Waste & Recycling Association Team

Our Team

BiggersBret sm

Bret Biggers
Director, Standards and Statistics
T: 202-364-3710
E: [email protected]


Spencer Brignac
Specialist, Communications & Program
T: 202-364-3709
E: [email protected]


Anne Germain
Director, Waste and Recycling Technology
T: 202-364-3724
E: [email protected]


Jacqueline Gosby
Chief Financial Officer
T: 202-364-3748
E: [email protected]

Anthony Hargis Profile ProPict2

Anthony Hargis
National Safety Director
T: 202-364-3750
E: [email protected]

jones sm

LaWanda Jones
Manager, Administrative Services
T: 202-364-3782
E: [email protected]


Kevin Kraushaar, Esq., CAE
Vice President, Government Affairs & Chapter Operations
T: 202-364-3743
E: [email protected]

maimon sm

Catherine Maimon
Manager, Meetings
T: 202-364-3715
E: [email protected]

MayorgaJessica sm

Jessica Mayorga
Senior Director, Communications & Marketing
T: 202-364-3706
E: [email protected]

miller sm

Chaz Miller
Director, Policy and Advocacy
T: 202-364-3742
E: [email protected]

Gabby headshot 83x96

Gabrielle McManus
Executive Assistant to the President
T: 202-364-3704
E: [email protected]


Rebecca Nadora
Director, Membership
T: 202-364-3707
E: [email protected]


Megan Passinger
Director, Education
T: 202-364-3702
E: [email protected]

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Fiona Ryan
Coordinator, Communications & Marketing
T: 202-364-3773


LaKeisha Washington
Manager, Billing & Receivables
T: 202-364-3716

Regional Managers

changaris sm

Steve Changaris
Regional Manager – Northeast Region
482 Southbridge Street, Suite 373
Auburn, MA 01501
T: 800-679-6263 or 508-839-4751
E: [email protected]

KaniaBob sm

Bob Kania
Chapter Manager – Virginia
633 South Atlantic Ave.
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
T: 757-621-3192
E: [email protected]

macenas sm

Peggy Macenas
Regional Manager – Midwest Region
115 East Ogden Ave., Ste. 117-313
Naperville, IL 60563
T: 800-679-6269 or 630-848-1101
E: [email protected]