New Garbage Carts for Harrison County

Team Waste and the Harrison County Utility Authority started delivering new 96 gallon garbage cans around Harrison County earlier this week.


The Harrison County Utility Authority will deliver the garbage carts to approximately 40,000 residents across Harrison County until the service officially begins on October 1st. Each cart is equipped with HCUA logo and phone number in case customers have questions or complaints with the company.

Team Waste President Andrew Densing tells News 25 that residents should continue to use their Waste Pro bins until they have been picked up. “What you haven’t seen yet, and there’s been a lot of talk about it, are the 35 gallon green and yellow recycle carts. Those will start the day after Labor Day. We’ll start delivering those in the Woolmarket area and then following along in the same area of progression that we start delivering these. Those as well, please don’t use those until October one.”

Along with the new carts will be a packet with information regarding your scheduled pick up days.