American Made Dumpsters is asking the Waste Industry to call Roll-Off Dumpsters by their proper name, not “dumpster bin” and stop calling commercial dumpsters “trash dumpsters” or “trash bins” and call them Business Dumpsters instead.
Dumpster is an ambiguous name that is used interchangeably with multiple products for countless uses. Business Dumpsters are manufactured with specific features and specifications ideal for retail stores, offices, restaurants, apartments and condo complexes, warehouses, hospitals and in commercial or industrial areas. Roll-Off Dumpsters are manufactured with specific features and specifications ideal for construction, demolition and remodeling projects at construction sites and in residential areas.
When the broad name “dumpster” is used by the industry, it causes confusion for the customers and creates barriers to find the products, services and resources they need. Any time a more specific name can be used, it creates clarity and reduces this confusion.
Reducing Confusion is Better for Everyone
A front load dumpster is not a roll off dumpster and a commercial dumpster is not a curbside collection bin. Each of these products has a specific use that fills a particular need. You can see the differences at americanmadedumpsters.com. Creating unnecessary confusion by lumping all products together as a ‘dumpster’ is detrimental to waste industry companies and frustrating for customers.
When the name dumpster is used, customers don’t necessarily know the difference between a roll-off and business dumpster. Those customers then contact a waste disposal company to get a dumpster and may end up requesting and paying for the incorrect product or service. This is especially problematic for residential customers who often just need a garbage can for residential application.
Supporting Economic Growth
Building a brand and growing a waste company is crippled by confusion. The generic use of “dumpster” has a negative economic impact on waste industry brands.
Consistent use of the correct product name across the industry can help reduce confusion for customers seeking products for home use. This is also important for manufacturers who are working to create the correct products for their customers.
The specific name, when used widely, helps raise public awareness of the differences. This allows customers to be able to quickly find what they are looking for based on their specific needs.
Sign the Commercial Dumpster Petition Now!
Sign the Roll Off Dumpster Petition Now!
Please join us in asking the Waste Industry to make a concerted effort to stop the generic use of ‘dumpster’ and refer to Business Dumpsters by their unambiguous name. Sign the Roll-Off Dumpster Petition and the Business Dumpster Petition on Change.org today!