WHEREAS, Hoosiers recognize the often thankless job of waste and recycling workers; and
WHEREAS, John Arwood, second-generation owner of Arwood Site Services, began the annual observance of National Garbage Man Day on June 17, 2012, which was renamed Waste and Recycling Workers Week in 2020; and
WHEREAS, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the eradication of many diseases in the Western World is due in large part to higher public sanitation standards resulting from effective garbage disposal; and
WHEREAS, the people employed by local refuse collection and hauling companies contracted by the State of Indiana make significant contributions to the safety, health, and welfare of our citizens; and
WHEREAS, with an area spanning 36,418 square miles and thousands of miles of roads, Indiana depends on the collection of waste and recyclables to promote clean and safe community and recognize them all as First Responders; and
WHEREAS, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the eradication of many diseases in the Western World is due in large par to higher public sanitation standards resulting from effective garbage disposal; and
WHEREAS, the proper collection and disposal of waste and recyclables are vital to preventing disease, litter and dump heaps;
NOW THEREFORE, I, Eric J. Holcomb, Governor of the State of Indiana; do hereby proclaim the June 12-19, 2022 as
“Waste & Recycling Workers Week”
in the State of Indiana, and invite all citizens to duly note this occasion.
In Testimony Whereof, I heredo set my hand and cause to be affixed the Great Seal of State. Done at the City of Indianapolis, this 9th day of May the year of our Lord 2022 and of the Independence of the United States 246.
By the Governor
Eric Holcomb