Truck / Vehicle – Wrightstown Public Works Department


Truck / Vehicle

By Caitlyn Stulpin, staff writer
WRIGHTSTOWN — Picking up the trash can be a dirty job, but the borough’s new garbage truck is looking good as it rolls around town, showcasing student art and sending a message.
While the Public Works Department intended to buy just another garbage truck to perform typical duties, officials found a way to involve the community to rally behind their newest initiative to actively have residences and businesses separate their trash and recycling. What started as adding a little flair to the Hino truck purchased from the H.K. Truck Center in South Plainfield, Middlesex County, grew into a student art project.

Submitted By: Wrightstown Public Works Department

Learn more about the 2016 Waste and Recycling Workers Week Truck Show and see who else will be attending!